Total Dye Job....

Total Dye Job....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

VOTE!...right for what?

I dislike politics.  I am beyond done with all this junk.  It pulls you down. It makes neighbors enemies and family even more dysfunctional (especially when they don't agree).  Its awkward.  And what does it do? Your opinion isn't going to sway anyone else' matter how passionate you are.  They are probably just as passionate.  People just get angry!
So here I am going to pour salt on some wounds.
Massive Presidential election.  We all know it.  The conservatives put out this power play called Vote Yes for Marriage.  Keep it between a Man and a Woman. They did this to get the majority of Christians, Catholics, Jewish,etc.... out to vote.  ITS in the Bible! Its in the Old Testament (so is a lot more then just tattoos, lots of wives, stoning, not to eat meat on certain days, ...sorry won't get started there) Its a hot topic.  Otherwise they may not vote. But this, this crazy hot hot hot topic.  That is a pot stirrer.  And its working.  I over here conversations all over about this.  More so then who is running for what in what district.
So here is my problem.  My personal problem.  Why are Christians so excited to vote for Romney/Ryan.  Yep Ryan is a christian.  He has a pretty good Christian record.  He is handsome, family man, church goer...I kind like him.  He stands for a lot of values I believe in, and some I don't.  Really there is no perfect candidate for me.  But he is not running for president.  Why do you think they picked him?  They needed him to balance the ticket.  
Lets talk more old school bible, aka the Old Testament.  There are many parts in the bible where God shows his wrath, because a selected individual or a group of people start worshiping some idol that is not God.  He busts them up.  Smites them all! In fact his FIRST Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 
With God we get three in One.  We get God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Amen.  We sing some amazing worship songs for them.
So why do we make Romney a Christian?  He believes in God, Yes.  But he worships John Smith.  Mormons SING songs worshiping this man.  They have a different Bible.  John Smith's Bible. Who is not Jesus, God or the Holy Spirit.  Why do we bend the 'christian rules' for him.  Why do we kind of ignore his beliefs?  Why do we pick and choose what to really throw on the election table?   Makes us feel better.
So lets get out an vote.  Elect a person in old school Bible, would of gotten beaten down for his beliefs...We can curb our beliefs, sideline them...because thats okay...he is kind of a Christian. Well his running mate is!  He is better then Obama!  Obama is a Muslim on some days and a Christian on others.  Isn't this a pot calling the kettle black?  WHY??? WHY do we do this.....Romney is a straight up Mormon.  He doesn't deny it.
I have heard a lot on the Vote Yes for Marriage.  In fact a Pastor I once admired recently preached about it to his congregation, that if we allowed THIS to happen.  Well, then, soon every one could be walking around naked, married to many and ALL kinds of animals and children.  And thats not even the case.  That preached panic and lots of hate.  Got the congregation up and moving!  Lots of chatting! Lots of hate being tossed around! Bad move.  This bill doesn't open that door.  How about how he preached a while back on acceptance.  LOVING everyone.  Reaching the community, reaching ALL communities.  You don't have to love the sin, you love the sinner!  If the vote is passed as No.  It in NO way will allow a pedophile to marry a child.  A man or woman to take sheep as a spouse. It doesn't even wedge the door open!  Come on!  In fact it broke my daughter's heart.  It made her feel less then human.  But that isn't my point! And a topic for another day!
WHY is he (the pastor or ANY pastors) not preaching on Electing a Mormon for president.  What doors will that OPEN.  He will be the leader of the free world.  He has influence.  Won't his beliefs affect us Christians?  Whose to say many people won't conform to Mormonism?  Heck their 'laws' or 'bible' (because it is NOT the same bible as we Christians have), may look a little better in the eyes of Christians.  Maybe John Smith is a trade for Jesus Christ.
Why is one sin, so harmful and life threatening then other sin?  Sin is not rated in the bible.  In fact...I remember a story about a plank in an eye.  Sin is not rated in the bible.  Sin is not rated in the bible.  Sin is NOT rated in the bible.  Quit making it so.
I know one thing...God doesn't like other idols.  Don't think he is a fan of John Smith or the worship songs for him!  So why is that okay?  Number 1 commandment.  First on the list.  But Christians are going to look past that.....because well, Romeny, is ALMOST a Christian.  He is the lesser of two evils.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Powering up for Battle....

I met the devil last night.  I was face to face with him.  His gnashing teeth, next to my bed.  I can still feel the warm saliva dripping on my face to wake me up!  This is real.  I wasn't reading some crazy book before I fell asleep. Why is he trying to come for me?  I am really no one...ahhhhh...another lie...I am a child of God.  I am a soldier and I have a battle cry too!

  This isn't the first time we had a...well, lets just say discussion.  In fact ever since a friend told me about a trip to Panama last summer, and God put it into my heart I would be going with them this summer, well....I have had some scary dreams, waking up in a cold sweats scary, night after night.  I am involved in this spiritual battle, and I know it will get worse before the calm comes.  He is frightened of lil' ole me....he tries to play on my fears, with visions, doubt, and well just plane ole fear of travel.

Sorry...he picked the wrong girl. 

I am no longer this girl who believes the lies.  Who doubts her faith.  I know where God is...and He is the one with power, with love...and he has given me a heart for hurting girls/women!  This is why the enemy is trying to scare me..he knows who will win.  he knows the THOUSANDS we are going to pour our love on.  he knows who we are saving...

As quickly as he comes in my dreams to my armor lights up.  I admit I panic and start to believe the lies he withers in me.  But God gave me this shield, this sword, a pretty stylish helmet...not to mention an army of friends, who pray for me, for the trip to Panama, for the THOUSANDS of girls who we WILL reach at the conference. 

I have seen what chaos the enemy builds.  I have seen the bondage of the girls.  The chain linked fences they are behind.  Their hands bound, bloody and infected.  The loss in their eyes.  I have seen the enemy with his arms of lies and control over their shoulders.  AND I have seen what God has planned for their freedom.  The beautiful LIGHT to overcome this darkness.  This blood washing over them for their freedom.  They deserve to know who has their back.  And we are coming to show them, to find them, to love them..the enemy has no power over me. 

I have been face to face with the devil.  He thought he could scare me.  For a minute he did....then this inner light poured from me and slashed through him.  And he was gone.  God's got my back. 
He knows what is a head of us....and he has equipped us like no others.  We have this powerful battle cry and gorgeous army.  We are ready. 

Please pray for Panama 2012.  For the conference ahead of us. Pray for the thousands of girls we will reach!.  Pray for the conference team.   We will need to be re-energized!

Be ready for some more blogs....I have a feeling...this summer is going to be wonderful!

Much Love,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Closed Hearts=Empty Pews

    Who are we to say who is allowed to go to church? Plain and simple.  Our church, Our Jesus.  Oh we love worship! We love to hear our pastors preach it!  We love to see our friends, enjoy the company of fellow Christ followers.  Smile and be smiled at.  Hug and shake hands.  Its a weekend collective.  Are your hearts there, friends?  Do you get what Jesus did?  He is our example.  He is our center.  He hung out with some people in his world, that maybe weren't so excepted and acknowledged.  Yet they were Christ followers.  They would follow him and listen.  They craved his next 'preaching'.  They gave up their lifestyles, and sometimes their families.  Jesus welcomed everyone to listen.  So why don't we?
                                    Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk.  Love everyone.

 Gosh I could throw a lot of catch phrases out there.  But what happens church family, when someone enters the suburban church, who doesn't fit in?  Do we play the Electric Company game..."Which of these things Don't belong?" or was that Sesame Street...? Anyways....
    People say we accept everyone.  Everyone can enter through our doors and hear the world of God.  Is it shown?  Through your actions? Your thoughts? How about your sneers, your avoiding eye contact? Your gossip? "Did you see what she was wearing?"  "He smelled like he just walked out of the bar?" "I can't believe he is here with HER?"  You may be thinking or saying this..."This church isn't for those type of people?"  No I would say not.  I wouldn't want them coming to my church to get that reaction!   Oh I have heard it.  I have felt it.  My family has heard it.  And it hurts.  It pushes people away.  They feel they are not worthy of knowing Jesus and his love, and his forgiveness.  These people may have had to drum up all the courage they had left to walk into a church.  They could be at the rock bottom stage in their life.  They needed to hear Love, and instead they found empty hearts.  And even if you are pleasant.  You smiled at 'those' type of people.  What does your heart say?  He knows your heart.  He knows your false actions. 
  Have you heard the younger generations newest catch phrase?  Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner.  Or Love the Sinner, hate the sin.  ?  You don't have to love or even like what they choose to do.  You love them.  Its hard, I get it.  It is not condoning what/who they are.  Its more simple.  You Love.  Love.   Love.  You be the better person.  It doesn't mean you are on a platform saying...THIS IS OKAY!  It means you are being a Christian.  Showing that act of Love is more then enough.  It is saying your reflection in their eyes will be a smile not a glare of disgust.  Your actions speak so much louder...and maybe it will catch on.  Maybe a family member will see it.  Maybe a friend, a stranger.  They will know, this is a Christian Church.  EVERYONE can hear the word of God.  Instead of them fearing...worrying....wondering....
   So what to do when your church goes on a bus tour (granted this was a sign up and go thing...and not our church providing it- but a company who was hired to shuffle the group around..).....and the bus driver who or the MC, points out a church ...that is a Christian church...but has a rainbow flag to catch the eye.  Hmmmm... and pretty much says "Its a Bad Church..."
....So here we go again.  Only certain people are allowed to hear the Gospel.  Only certain people can enter the thru the front doors.  What the MC didn't say or maybe he didn't know...Was the flag was put there to show to the gay community, that they can come and feel safe at their church.  They can hear the Gospel of Jesus without discrimination.  Without the pointing and the funny looks.  They will not have Bible quotes tossed in their faces.  In many Christian's eyes, we have a ranking of what sins are the worst.  If you steal, not so bad.  If your spouse tends to look online at 'those' type of websites, not so bad.  If you lie...again...ranking- maybe low on the list.  How about Gossip or murder?  Homosexuality, well, in the ranking of sin, seems to be pretty high. I don't think God,- or how about Jesus, ranked sin for us.  I don't pretend to know everything in the Bible, but I remember a story about a plank in an eye. 
  I was not on that bus trip. I am going by what friends have told me.  But it stirred something in me.  This isn't because I have a child who is gay(super tender of course).  Its because I am tired of the non-Christians, the atheists, - I am TIRED of them pointing out the hypocrisy they see.  And it seems to be like an on/off switch.  If its fresh from the Pastors lips, church follows.  But soon its forgotten. 
  The church maybe be filled to the gills with people.  Some have such a HUGE love glowing from them.  I have heard some comments, some whispers and sometimes stares. 
Oh church we need prayer! We need to soften our hearts when it comes to human beings.  If we want to spread the word of our Lord, we have to believe it.  I have a hard time with it too.  I am guilty in other aspects....but that is another blog for another day. 
  If our hearts are closed off to certain people, our pews are too.  We are the ones not getting the message while sitting there.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

Godly Paths

I have been praying a lot.  When you know you are on a Godly path, that is when spiritual warfare is made know.  Its a battle everyday.  Whispers and actions to convince you, you are doing wrong.  What your heart tells you to do is- 'difficult and can't be done'.  People try to sideline you.  Anger stirs inside of you and doubt bubbles over.  Then God doesn't become our center and we let the enemy in.  Of course we don't see it at the time.  And your path, that was so clear, becomes a fork in the road.  Which way to go?  Will you chose the one God laid out for you, or one that looks a little better, a littler easier, a little more sparkley!?
A handful of women and I got together with passion and the Holy Spirit flowing through us.  We are the most odd mix of women.  Polar opposites in some cases.  God brought us together.  There is no doubt in my mind, it is Holy Spirit driven.  We have a few things in common, we have had wounds (some horrific and some just grazed the surface), God is the core in our life, and we are over flowing with this passion.  Passion to find women like us.  Ones that maybe you wouldn't think are Godly Women.  Ones that you know need to have the love of our Lord, Heal them.  It can be done.  Its easy....we have been there.  We have this stirring in us to find them and serve them.  We have a stirring in us to educate our fellow Christians.  We have this energy to make it known, The unloveable are SO loved.  We are all loved.  The hurt, the weary, the wounded, the hidden, the morally unjust.....they are my sisters.  They, too, were created in the image of God.  Man wasn't enough.  Man wasn't perfect in God's He made Woman.  He put them in our path, and who are we to say they are not worthy of knowing HIS love.  It is HIS love afterall that is so wide spread, it is HIS world, HIS children.  
Although this blog today is brief.  I ask you, please pray for us.  Please call the armor around us with prayer.
  When you are out in the world today, when you are at the malls shopping, or in church waiting for service to begin.  Look around.  Take a good look at the people God put in your eyesight, in your path.  Look your sister in the eye.  Smile.  Say a prayer for them.  Ask forgiveness for judging them.  Making assumptions.  Especially out in public.  Don't cross the street to avoid their eyes.  Don't look away from them.  By just showering them with your brief second of time.  You showed them love.
They are just like me, and you.  Its your actions that cause change.

Stop and look around you.  Struggles are so public.  We as Christians want them kept private.  We don't want to know they have been hurt.  We want everything perfect.  Happy.  Go to church.  Get your praise on, tithe, and go home.  Happy.  I haven't been happy because I was falling for the words of the enemy, that my little own battle won't make a darn difference.  My little group of 4 won't change the world............  But my group of 4 has grown, to 12, to 20, to 34, ....the enemy got a little nervous and called out his own battle cry.  Causing doubt and insecurities to rise in our ministry.  He kind of likes to pinch and run.......brief pain but doesn't stick around for a confrontation.  Pinch and run.  Then I got so busy, 'ouching' from the pinch and I left God out of the battle, and let the enemy move in.  Still pinching and running because that is what he does.  He is a coward.


Our path is clearer now.  We have to refocus ourselves.  Keep on that Godly path.  It has been divinely birthed, and who are we to say, Its Not Possible?  He will provide our needs, make it known who we are and what we are to do.  He is doing just that.  We know we are on His Path....our hands of sisters who we will reach.

Keep it centered this Christmas.  Show some love by not turning away.  HE has put those people at that particular moment for a reason.  Testing what is inside us. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Stop Being a Christian...BE Christ-Like.

Some days I want to turn my cape in.  I am not really a Supermom, Superwife, Superhairstylist,  I just play one...
The problem is I try.  I try to be all of the above and sometimes it gets jumbled all up.  I get my priorities screwed up.  Its hard to be all of the above....super-hard.  Its never even.  Balance is usually out of whack.  I wouldn't trade most of my super abilities....for anything.  Supermom swoops in to kiss the wounds, do the laundry and dishes, tidy up here and there,. run errands, make sure kids are semi-clean, dinner sometimes, lots of reminders to the family (homework, lunches...)...Superwife....poor hubby usually gets sidelined a lot, but I try to encourage and support.  Be there for him to kiss his wounds, remind him of things, hang out on the couch, shoulder, co captain of the parenting squad...Superhairstylist...well that can just hang there for a bit.  I love what I do...I know God gave me that gift.  I am not the greatest or the worst....I just love it.  Love doing it.  But this is where the rest comes in....5 years about even 1 year ago....If you asked me If I could step away from my career and give it up...I would of said...Ummm No....but ask me today...go ahead...
I would.  I would give up doing hair.  If I was asked.  By any of my centers. Centers being- God (first and foremost) and, family (hubby and kids).  I would without even thinking.
What Changed?
My heart did. 
A two by four hit me square in the head.  Because those are the wakings I need.  Not subtle I need the screaming in the ears, awakenings.
I began to really care.  I began to ask God to change me and my heart.  I prayed He would show me his plans for me.  I didn't want to be considered a christian any longer.  I wanted to be considered Christ Like.  Hmmmm confused....Let me explain.  And I mean to offend no one.  Everyone is on different walks in their lives with God.  But I got seriously tired of defending Christianity.  The shock value wore off at work, when new clients...kind of looked me over and was like...YOU? You are a Christian...I guess in some small christian cliques, they didn't think a pierced, tattoo, hairstylist could love God....I am not getting on that tangent....promise....
I was getting tired of the battle up for Christianity.  WHY in America is it such a cliche...why is it so lumped together.  All Christians have to be right winged republicans?  All Christians are homophobic? they are stay at home moms who home school their kids?  Why does it leave a bad taste in some peoples mouths?  Hypocrites.  Yep.  I hear it...a lot.  Hurt by a Christian?  Hurt by 'the Church'....
Somewhere Jesus got lost in there.  He came, he saw, he saved. He wasn't knit-picky on who followed Him, who He Saved? Who He taught?  Why is that forgotten?  Who was his core group?  They were not very liked before and after Jesus left the Earth.  He really loved everyone. 
He taught LOVE...LOVE....LOVE....he healed those who others walked over and kicked aside.  He showed compassion for those who wanted to destroy Him.  He told the greatest stories(parables) to rooms and rooms of non believers.  He didn't wait for a spotlight to shine on him.  Words to be thrown up on a screen.  There was no secret handshake.  He just loved...
So WHY is Christianity a dry subject?  It says in the BIBLE.....if I had a dime everytime I heard that.  Yes, it does.  It says a lot.  But what are Christians supposed to do?  We need to go out and tell people about doesn't say the tell the upper middle class about HIM....It doesn't say do not tell this class or that class of people.  It doesn't say sinners can't go to church (we all are last time I checked).
What is the best way to TELL people about Jesus.  How about act like him.  AND not just for an audience.  SHOW by your actions.  Show Jesus by your own actions.  My gosh and NOT just during the holidays.  All the time.  Think about how cool it would be for God to be like....ah now thats a chip off the old block!
ACT.  When the words start stirring in your head about someones clothes, or words they said, what they are doing.  When you begin to judge them......STOP....lift them up in a quick gosh and yourself...SHOW compassion....somehow....Smile at them.  Meet their gaze.  Don't ignore them.  Don't step over them.  Maybe God put them in front of you for a reason.  Maybe you need them.  Not just them needing you.  They are all children of God.
So I asked God to stir my heart.  To soften it.  He knew I was in for a world of hurt.  But he got me ready....a long time ago. Things happened in my life to show me a path. To get me ready so I can be there for others.  I have wounds HE healed.  Wounds that couldn't be healed with material things.  With pretend love.  So I am going to stop acting like your typical Christian, I think that is too comfortable.  I am going to act Christ Like. Thats an everyday challenge.
I have been surrounded by the most amazing group of women who have the same passion to move through the Christian Community and be Christ Like. To be first hand witnesses of the Love HE provides to heal, to capture...or more to rescue. 
He softened my heart.  Made me not so bitter.  Let me hand over a lot of the suitcases packed full of wounds.  I forgave.  That was super hard.  But I did.  I asked for forgiveness.  That is even harder.  He let me open my heart to a world of hurt...hurting women...women in hiding.  Women lost.  He handed me the most crazy God Loving women ever to be part of an army. 
So I would give up that cape.  The super-Hairstylist cape.  Id hang up my shears.  My favorite foiling comb would be put away.  All if He asked me to.  Without even bat an mascara crusted eyelash.  And that is what I am waiting for.  The next clear cut path.....because I am still me...I still need the two by four to the head.  But at least now I am willing to hear/see it! 
I am a Christian Mom.  I am a Christian Wife.  I am a follower of Christ.  I want to be Christ like in my walk.  I will walk for the ones who can't right now.  I will be a voice.  Hopefully I will be more then a whisper. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Would you be your own Friend?

The last few days have been a little bit different in my world.  Now I see it as, well a nudge from God.  A knock on my noggin so to speak.  Lots of ups and down in the family life, work life and personal life.  And my darn phone has been giving up on my the last 3 weeks..(Yep...I repel technology...phones at least)...
  A wonderful person I had the privilege of working alongside in Illinois was getting married in Three Lakes, Wisconsin.  She became a friend instantly when we first met I'd say 7 years ago. We stayed in touch when I moved to Minnesota.  Also picking up where we left off.   So as I followed her excitement through Facebook(the engagement, the planning...) I was so ecstatic to get the invite to her wedding.  It approached pretty quickly.
  And as we know our God...he loves to wake you up when you least expect it.  You feel you are doing Awesome in your walk, you feel the closeness of His presence.  Then the enemy makes you busy.  He knows we humans LOVE to be busy.  Busy. Busy. Busy.  We are so easily distracted.  Soon your morning time with God, is a quick drive through chat with him.  No longer sharing cups of conversation, its now quick blurbs and quicker prayers.  So back to the wedding.  Neal (my awesome loving husband) found out literally last minute that he couldn't go to the wedding with me.  No coverage for him.  UGH....I was none too happy.  So do I go solo? YOU BETCHA! 
  So back to repelling technology and having not so pleasant conversations with my cell company phone just quit.  It did nothing.  Booted up.  But past that, it was just decoration.  They could not get me a replacement phone in time for my 5 hour travel to northern Wisconsin.  HOLY SMOKES NO PHONE, NO FACEBOOK, NO EMAIL....for 2 days.  WOW....I wasn't happy.  More or less it was a security blanket too.  You know...young (keep the mouths quiet) woman traveling to the boondocks or small town Wisconsin....all by myself....5 hours(10 hrs both ways) in the car....solo....solo....WAIT....this is where God steps in....Never solo, Jenn.  Duh....So I get to have catch up time with God.  And I was looking forward to the quiet, peace of it all.  (When I realized I had no choice.)   I have an old(er) GMC there is no plugging in a iPod either!
  I was listening to some radio...flipping through some stations.  I had a couple cd's of Chris Caine ready to go to get inspired and such.  This was a HUGE light switch.   This is what I needed.  And I absorbed it all! 
I got to thinking (after a couple hours of her preaching)...look at yourself.  Look at your Christian Self....Would you be your friend? 
Before I had a relationship with God, I disliked Christians.  I thought they were hypocrites.  They had this righteousness to them.  Full of the "Spirit" and well vinegar too.   Reverands, Pastors, Priests, Nuns...met a few here and there.  I wanted NOTHING to do with them.  They wanted NOTHING to do with me.  I was this crazy punk rocker who could conquer the world, doing the good I wanted and saw that needed to be done....Having benefit shows(for you non Chicagoans...a wee little concert of punk rock spectacularness)  to raise money for teen moms, giving food to the homeless under the "L" tracks in Wrigleyville.  I never saw a Christian doing that....or did I?
  Young in my 'Christian life,' happily married to a Christian Man, getting involved with Church in Naperville Illinois....I was so excited when I was asked to be part of the Children's Ministry.  I was early to a meeting to be introduced to the team.  I was sitting on the lobby couch (it was by the coffee) when I overheard two women, whom I had known but they didn't know back was turned to them.  They were talking....and they were talking about me.  Why was I allowed to be on the board? I had once been a teen mom, I was divorced....and I had my nose pierced.  Here I was so excited to be ASKED to be a part of something....and here is where my spirit fell.  Here the two members of the same congregation, who were in the Ministry, here...they were hurting me....So the old me would of jumped on the couch...raised my fist and say..."To Heck (well wouldn't of said that...but this is a G rated blog) with you and your church...." but I wiped my tears away(i did cry) and walked over to the two ladies...I held my hand out to them and said.  "Hi, I am Jenn Uitto, and I can't wait to hear ALL you have to say about the Children's ministry..."  I got a cup of coffee and headed to the room.    So I will admit I had a smug satisfaction of watching their jaws drop...duh...I had JUST heard the whole rip session on me.  I sat through the meeting thinking it was the last....went home and cried and yelled at Neal about his church, then called HIS mom ( and you don't want to make her upset...she protects her cubs)...and well....there were apologies made...and I stayed on the committee for a long long time. 
  SO why were they so polluted?  What, inside them....what was stirred up...that made them dislike me?  it was in them...not me....did I reflect something in their past, that corrupted their Christianity? 
   Are you a polluted Christian?  I know some.  Some that never smile.  Some that are so full of this sour grape attitude....that you is hard to keep up the bitterness...gosh it must be exhausting!  They are full of ideas for the church, full of battleplans for the sinners.  Full of this energy that they beleive are doing the right thing....but its just not in the right way. 
  Then I know some Ah-mazing Christians....some that walk into the room and you see the glow of the LOVE of the Lord and their love for fellow just want to be a part of that!  They have this Holy Spirit pouring out of them.  I would name names...and YES you are probably on it, if you are reading this long winded blog.   These are the ones who would loan a friend a car when theirs goes caput without a thought, the first ones to start a ministry with you because you share a dream, the ones who help neighbors whose house burns down and their church is dragging its feet in some places(not local..not RVC) , you took action. The ones who win a national cooking contest and their first thoughts are how to feed the hungry... The ones who stop what they are doing and lift you up in prayer....These are my friends.  These are reflections of God.  They WOULD give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it...not shaking their head at you saying..You should of planned better.  I have seen such good in my friends. 
So.  Would you be your own friend? Are you 'that' Christian that people call hypocrite?  Or do they just know you are a Christian because of what people see, what they witness. That you give glory to God in all of the busy chaos that is created ups and downs!  For broken phones.  For doors opened and for doors that are shut. 
I had some awesome alone time with God over the weekend. was forced, and I probably would of not chosen this.  But I am so glad I got another two by four to the head.  I got to think a lot about 3G and our path.  I just wish I had a tape recorder to record my ideas.  They are in my noggin regardless.  I had 10 hours of inspiration.  Then to wrap up I got to be at a child's dedication at our church of some AWESOME friends, and hear a message from my Pastor that brought tears to his eyes and mine.  This wrapped up a crazy weekend in a gorgeous package. Be the person That God would smile and say..."Thats my girl..." Or "Thats my guy..."  full of Pride that you are reflecting His Love. 
Would I be my friend?  better yet....Am I yours? Am I a reflection?  I am trying...I am growing....

PS: Congrats to Karla and Andrew(may God always remain  the center of your Marriage)....Congrats to Kate and Rick (the love you have for God, is so poured into your family I am so blessed to call your friends! Congrats on the dedication of your daughter and your Family!) ...
Thanks Pastor Rob, for your message this weekend. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I alone can cause of ripple....together we WILL cause a wave

Hello EVERYONE!  Sorry its been forever and a day.  We had some computer problems, internet problems and then I went and got a full time job.  Doing some hair, managing some girls...again.
Beyond that....well lets just see I have been searching for doors to be open, and windows no longer shut.  It all started with an electric circuit from RVC's Chick Night (River Valley Church, Apple Valley Mn)....Many women left that night full of CHANGE...Many women left ready to take on the fight (whichever the cause that touched their heart), and still many left with wounds opened (again)...Some of us got together.  We talked.  We met.  We opened our wounds to each other.  All of us asking...what can we do?  Who can we help?  We were still 'high' so to speak, about Nancy Alcorn's Ministry.  We were on fire to HELP...HELP...HELP.  We wanted to serve.  We wanted to rescue.  We need to share.  Share our past.  Our time.  Our finances.  We wanted to let those who were lost, alone, scared, hurt....we wanted the 'untouchable' to know we all had the same experiences...but we have found help.  We have been healed.  We have God.
  My heart breaks for those who think its too late.  They are the lost we so badly want to reach.  This is the reason why we have our 'files' (caseworker file of the what behind the why...if that makes sense?).  This is the reason why we as a small group of women have all walked different lives.  This is our story.  We were unwed moms, drug addicts, alcoholics, abused, neglected, abandoned, molested, betrayed, stolen, raped....Lost.  Forgotten.  Until someone told us otherwise.  For some of us, someone 'rescued' us.  Someone in our life, told us we were loved by them and by God.   It could of been a stranger, or a loved one.  Someone took the time to hold us in our darkest hour and just love us.   And through that, we saw the love of our God.  HOW AWESOME IS THAT?  By knowing my God could love ME, with all I have done in my life.  All the sins I have done.  All the hurt I have brought.  HE loves me.  Me.  I just need to turn  to HIM, and absorb that free flowing happy glowing LOVE.  You don't have to do anything.  Just Love Back, but you know what...its when you are ready.  HE is patient.  HE will be there when you are ready and even when you are not.
So WHY then does my new found group of friends have such problems finding an open door to help?  To start.  So many politics, and I get that.  We need to protect those who are in programs.  So inspiration hit us.  We are going to do something on our own.  We are going to start an outreach for Women.  The women we once were.  Totally LOVING HOPE 360! Big huge shout out and hug to that awesome organization.  Totally inspired by that website and organization....Maybe you will see something like that in our future.  An outreach to reach the untouchable, unloveable.  The scared.  The Lost.
My friends and I have met a couple times.  And you know when you are on the right path, because that is when the enemy attacks.  But we are armored up (thanks for that AWESOME series Pastor Rob and RVC)  and ready for battle.  We have such BIG plans. 
You know when God created Man, HE realized...Man was not complete, so he created Woman.  We are created in HIS image.  We create.  We pass this love down and down and down.  It is in us.  So as sisters, we need to reach each other.  We need to have those open arms.  That grace that God has given us.  We need to put our iphones down, get off facebook and reach out to each other.  Start to put the judging beside.  Don't turn your nose up and look away.  This is GOD staring you in the FACE.  These are his children too.  You have the capability to serve.  To talk.  To Love these women.  Just do it.  I am not just talking financially.  Anyone can write a check or toss money in a bucket.  I am saying love a sister like our God loves you.  Can you imagine the endless joy HE feels when we do things like that?  Don't you want your Father to be proud of you? 
The enemy will let you know when you are winning...because he will stir things up in you.....thats when you know you are on the right track.  When the enemy distracts you.  Puts thoughts into your head or others.  He caused the path to be muddled.
I can cause a little ripple in the tide....but if we all stand up...together we will cause a wave.  A wave we should of started years ago.  So ACT.  If you don't know where to go...what to do...we are too!  It starts with one person.  One person like Chris Caine who takes on the sex traffic crime bosses.  Who isn't afraid to stand up to their power.  Because she has a stronger power in her Savior, our God.  Be the Nancy Alcorn who opens doors to all types of women who need healing.  She has built a fantastic ministry.  And it all started with one little thought, one little action. 
We need to serve.  Stop serving ourselves.  Feel the stir and begin the walk.
Love you much!